Thats Funny Cause the Governement Vine

Images from Vine videos on YouTube of, clockwise from upper left, Meagan Cignoli, Nicholas Megalis, Danny Gonzalez and Jerry Purpdrank.

Credit... Vine, via YouTube

When Vine announced on Thursday that it would close down in the coming months, thousands of the video platform's greatest hits were shared across the internet in six-second bursts.

But many of the people who created those videos, who grew from anonymous comedians and animators into Vine stars with millions of followers, have been branching out into more profitable territories, like Instagram and YouTube, for months. Others are busy growing businesses that stemmed from Vine videos.

Interviews with a few of Vine's most popular creators on Friday show one common theme: Vine was a place for people with talents across different disciplines — it allowed artists-slash-comedians-slash-musicians to flourish. But ultimately, it was best used as a steppingstone to platforms that offered wider reach and, potentially, more revenue.

When did you first try out Vine, and why? I was burned out on making art in New York City. I had been living there for five years or so, and was at a creative standstill. I was babysitting and making music on the weekends. Nothing inspired me. Maybe it was a depression? I don't know. Vine came along and it sucked me up. I was obsessed.

Why do you think your Vines took off? Because I'm good. Because I've been writing songs and making videos for 12 years, professionally. And I know exactly what I'm doing. It sounds boastful and egomaniacal, but it's true. Nothing half-good was blowing up on Vine at the beginning. Nothing was being phoned in. We were hustling to make amazing things.

What are your words of advice to people who are Vine die-hards? How should they move on? How should they move on? Get a goldfish. Seriously, goldfish are apparently really therapeutic. I don't have one, but I've heard.

When did you first try out Vine, and why? It all started with me seeing a random link on Twitter about Vine. It was cool — little, like, stop-motion stuff — so I thought, "Hey, I could be funny on this.'"

Why was Vine special? You were forced to push creativity into six seconds, which was really hard. If you were trying and you couldn't do it, it was make or break.

When did you have to start branching out into other platforms? We were getting billions of loops but not a cent for them. We kind of had to go out and make our money in other ways, and that's why a lot of top influencers left the app early.

Do you have any tips for other Vine creators? Honestly, at this point, Vine was the steppingstone that everybody used and needed. If you didn't use that stone to step off and jump off into other realms, you might as well give up.

Why was Vine special? To me, Vine was so different from any other social media platform. In the past year and a half especially, the creator community was supersupportive of each other. We were all friends and still are. And because Vine hadn't been around for that long, there weren't like thousands of big Viners and you pretty much knew who every big Viner was.

When did you first start realizing you had to branch out into other platforms, and why? Well, I was doing YouTube before I started doing Vine. And even as I was blowing up on Vine, I felt like I would have preferred to blow up on YouTube just because it's a more well-known and "respected" platform, I guess.

What are you going to do now that Vine has shut down? Keep making videos! YouTube is a great place for me to post my videos right now, and I actually just had a video that I posted on YouTube make it to the front page of Reddit Videos, which was crazy. Twitter has also started allowing some creators to monetize their videos with preroll ads just like YouTube, and the pay rate is actually significantly better than YouTube's. So I think a lot of creators (myself included) are going to start posting a lot on Twitter.

Why was Vine special?

The app was actually built really amazingly, and the camera was really sensitive. You could do all kinds of things with it that you can't do with the Instagram camera or any other camera on the iPhone. Sometimes the tinier the box, the more you can do with it. The community was so strong, everyone was meeting and making art together and trying different things. It did grow very quickly and the followings grew quickly and fast. Once that started happening, it got a little weird and competitive.

When did you decide to branch out into other platforms?

Over the past year it's really dwindled and our focus has been a little bit more on TV and mobile. Brands didn't ever really come to us anymore with Vine in mind — it was just sort of an add-on.

What are you going to do after Vine shuts down?

It's just going to remove one of the components that we can sell at this point.

Why do you think your Vines took off? I believe my videos took off because they were the first of their kind on the app. The majority of the content on Vine in the early days were videos that make you laugh. Although dance videos aren't anything new, they were on Vine. With all of the comedy, people weren't thinking to post anything serious, let alone dance videos that were only six seconds long.

Why was Vine special? Vine was really the ringleader of this whole short-form video era and was the perfect place to go to if you were looking for a quick smile. You could get lost endlessly scrolling through videos of all kinds.

What are you going to do after Vine shuts down? It's sad knowing that Vine will be no more, but if anything, it's just a perfect reason to focus on posting content on all of my other channels.

Interviews have been edited for length.


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