Can I Turn Off the Community Feed on Spark People

Transitioning from SparkPeople


Like many other former SparkPeople users, I'm migrating here to keep track of my food and exercise. I've already seen several familiar faces in the community feed from SparkPeople.


  • mchopper1

    I am a former Sparker too. I am relly going to miss the social aspects of SP. I am currently trying to enter my food and its just not as easy as on SP. I will get the hack of it I am sure.

  • _Melobee

    Yep, I'm a Sparker in need of some way to track food/fitness when SP goes down for good in August so I came here. Having a few navigation problems, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. Feel free to add me if you wish!

  • Harriet8andLinus

    Also coming over from Sparkpeople. I need a real food and exercise tracker. The new site doesn't have one yet, perhaps never. I am still holding out hope they can get the teams back together. The 5% challenge was so helpful!

  • rondajo56

    Hi everyone! I too am from SP. I joined a group called NEEDING SUPPORT WITH WEIGHT LOSS. The group was started by my leader from SP. Check it out. Join us. WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU THERE!!

  • jessiebrunswick

  • jettrout

  • angelahatchett55

    I'm from SparkPeople as well. Due to my health, I had to take a break and was just getting restarted. So now I'm trying to readjust my plans. I'm really going to miss the support of other Sparkers and the Tracking system. I wish they had let us know they were in trouble financially and perhaps we could have helped with a small monthly fee. SparkAmerica is very different.

  • primeofmylife2021

    I'm here! 🇨🇦 Spark- primeofmylife.

  • MargeMillb

    Also coming over from Sparkpeople. I need a real food and exercise tracker. The new site doesn't have one yet, perhaps never. I am still holding out hope they can get the teams back together. The 5% challenge was so helpful!

    Tracker is supposed to be coming among other things.

  • MargeMillb

    I checked out the "new SparkAmerica" site. Not impressed. No indication that food tracking would be up and coming. That was what made my journey to goal possible. I need to keep it up to avoid regaining the 85 pounds shed. Now I need to figure out how to sync my Garmin tracker!

    85 pounds! That's awesome! Tracker is supposed to be coming by the time they shut down SP.

  • MargeMillb

    Another one here from there.


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